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Bye Bye

歌词来源专辑:欧美男歌手 / Asher Monroe / On My Way, Pt. 2
BabY let's rIde 'tIl we got no wheels
EverYBody hUrts
EverYBody crIes
EverYBody leaves when It's theIr tIme
BUt whIle I'm stIll here
I promIse I'll lIve
People rIde 'tIl we got no wheels

JUst lIke a bIrd wIth It's cage jUst left open

OUr lIfe we watch It go bYe bYe bYe bYe bYe
LIke a balloon wIth no wInd
Takes It over

OUr lIfe we'll watch It go bYe bYe bYe bYe bYe

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