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You Don't Bring Me Flowers

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林忆莲 / 回忆莲莲

YoU don't brIng me fLowers (deUt杜德伟)

YoU don't brIng me fLowers YoU don't sIng me love songs YoU hardlY talk to me
Anymore When YoU come throUgh the door At the end of the daY I remember when
YoU coUldn't waIt to love me Used to hate to leave me Now after lovIn' me
late at nIght When It's good for YoU And YoU're feelIng alrIght Well YoU jUst
Roll over And YoU tUrn oUt the Light And YoU don't brIng me fLowers Anymore
It Used to be so natUral To talk aboUt Forever BUt 'Used to be's' don't coUnt
Anymore TheY jUst laY on the floor 'TIl we sweep them awaY And babY I
remember All the thIngs YoU taUght me I learned how to laUgh And I learned
how to crY Well I learned how to love Even learned how to lIe YoU'd thInk I
coUld learn How to tell YoU goodbYe 'CaUse YoU don't brIng me fLowers Anymore

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