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Shine Over Me (Original Version)

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 曲婉婷 / Love I Am
I'm older than I am,@H_165_0@ I wIsh YoU were here@H_165_0@ Who am I, who I am@H_165_0@ SUrroUnded bY emptY spaces@H_165_0@ I need love, well, who doesn't@H_165_0@ Stand here@H_165_0@ No tIdes no sand to drown mY fears awaY@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ And I'll waIt, waIt, waIt for YoUr love@H_165_0@ And I'll gIve, gIve It all@H_165_0@ There aIn't no waY, no waY, the sUn don't shIne It hIde awaY@H_165_0@ So shIne over me@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ It's InevItable@H_165_0@ EverYthIng aroUnd me changes even thoUgh I Don't want them to@H_165_0@ I wIll be lookIng forward to what @R_357_1450@ has In store for me@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ I'm standIng here@H_165_0@ No tIdes no sand to drown mY fears awaY@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ And I'll waIt, waIt, waIt for YoUr love@H_165_0@ And I'll gIve, gIve It all@H_165_0@ There aIn't no waY, no waY, the sUn don't shIne It hIde awaY@H_165_0@ So shIne over me@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ CrUmbled heart@H_165_0@ Broken words@H_165_0@ I wIll face obstacles In lIfe@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ And I'll waIt, waIt, waIt for YoUr love@H_165_0@ And I'll gIve, gIve It all@H_165_0@ There aIn't no waY, no waY, the sUn don't shIne It hIde awaY@H_165_0@ So shIne over me@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ There aIn't no waY, no waY, the sUn don't shIne It hIde awaY@H_165_0@ So shIne over me@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ So shIne over me

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Anxiety (Original Version)
Everything In The World (Original Version)