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Ten Little Inidan Boys

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / Twins / Singing In The Twins Wonderland
歌名:Ten LIttle InIdan BoYs

One lIttle, two lIttle,
Three lIttle IndIans.
FoUr lIttle, fIve lIttle,
SIX lIttle IndIans.
Seven lIttle, eIght lIttle,
NIne lIttle IndIans,
Ten lIttle IndIan boYs.

Ten lIttle, nIne lIttle,
EIght lIttle IndIans.
Seven lIttle, sIX lIttle,
fIve lIttle IndIans.
FoUr lIttle, three lIttle,
Two lIttle IndIans,
One lIttle IndIan boY.

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The Muffin Man
The Farmer In The Dell