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Amazing Grace

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 叶丽仪 / Grace And Glory: Psalm 84

That saved a wreck lIke me

I once was lost bUt now I'm foUnd

Was blInd bUt now I see

Twas grace that taUght mY heart to fear

And grace mY fears relIeved

How precIoUs dId that grace appear

The hoUr I fIrst belIeved

ThroUgh manY dangers toIls and snares

I have alreadY come

T'was grace that broUght me safe thUs far

And grace wIll lead me home

AmazIng grace how sweet the soUnd

That saved a wreck lIke me

I once was lost bUt now I'm foUnd

Was blInd bUt now I see

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Unreserved Love
Who Am I