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In To The Night

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 庾澄庆 / 哈林音乐电台
BUt I want YoU to know
If I coUld flY
I'd pIck YoU Up
I'd take YoU Into the nIght
And show YoU love
If I coUld flY
I'd pIck YoU Up
I'd take YoU Into the nIght
And show YoU love
LIke YoU never seen ever seen
If I coUld flY
I'd pIck YoU Up
I'd take YoU Into the nIght
And show YoU love
If I coUld flY
I'd pIck YoU Up
I'd take YoU Into the nIght
And show YoU love

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Sexy Eyes