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Pretty White Lies

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张杰 / 未·LIVE
YoUr prettY whIte lIes are leadIng me on

That look In YoUr eYes Is makIng me lose It
Are YoU FallIng oUt of Love Love Love love

I'm goIng oUt of mY mInd thInkIng YoU gonna leave
So If there Is doUbt pUt me oUt of mY mIserY
I know There Is somethIng YoU're not tellIng me
Are YoU FallIng oUt of Love Love Love love

When YoU go oUt everY nIght are YoU thInkIng of me
JUst tell me now pUt me oUt of mY mIserY
JUst show me somethIng that I can belIeve
Have YoU Fallen oUt of Love Love Love love

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